Privacy Policy

This is a Demo Privacy Policy These terms of use (the "Terms of Use") govern your use of our website "Website") and our "eomarketplace" application for mobile and handheld devices (the "App"). The Website and the App are jointly referred to as the "Platform". Please read these Terms of Use carefully before you use the services. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you may not use the services on the Platform, and we request you to uninstall the App. By installing, downloading, and/or even merely using the Platform, you shall be contracting with eomarketplace and you provide your acceptance to the Terms of Use and other eomarketplace policies (including but not limited to the Cancellation & Refund Policy, Privacy Policy, etc.) as posted on the Platform from time to time, which takes effect on the date on which you download, install or use the Services, and create a legally binding arrangement to abide by the same. The Platforms will be used by (i) natural persons who have reached 18 years of age and (ii) corporate legal entities, e.g companies. Where applicable, these Terms shall be subject to country-specific provisions as set out herein.